With the historic Mr. Olympia competition rapidly approaching, the reigning title holder (Jay Cutler) and the other world leaders in the sport of bodybuilding are in the final months of preparation. The competition will be held the weekend of September 15-18th in Las Vegas, Nevada. American born, reigning king Jay Cutler will attempt to capture his 4th crown in the last 6 years, trying to become only the 5th competitor to ever win more than 3. This year's competition is being described as one of the most highly anticipated in the history of the legendary event. Fan-favorite Kai Greene, who has yet to claim his first crown is in peak form and will be Cutler's biggest threat on the stage. Cutler, who stands a mere 5'9" tall, competes at a weight of 274 pounds. Kai Greene, who recently won the 2010 Arnold Classic stands 5'8" tall and weighs in at a shredded 260 pounds. Both pale in comparison to the legend who is Arnold who competed at 6'2" and god-like physique weighing 250 pounds. Nevertheless, Arnold will be attending the event which he made worldly famous and has be recorded as saying he will be rooting against Cutler because he wants Kai to claim his first title. Personally I completely agree, not only is Kai's physique more impressive than Cutler's, but he is still up and coming in this sport. As always, haters, who are more jealous rather than filled with legitimate loathing are spreading rumors about steroid use and “fake and unnatural bodies”.
I will make a few comments regarding these ridiculous accusations.
Now, it is well documented that these men use steroids, but to claim that their bodies are unnatural is quite frankly ignorant to the fullest extent of the word.
These men, starting with the Austrian God, Arnold, began living in the weight room.
There is no doubt that if steroids were to be banned, the competitors would be more “clean and natural” but the competition would lose most, if not all, of its charisma.
Now, back to my previous point regarding these men living the weight room, they pour every single ounce of energy they have into every repetition, every set, every day 5 or 6 days a week.
They have studied technique, unique exercises, many of which Arnold created before they ever knew what a weight was, and watch their diet to nearly scientific levels.
Why you ask, why do these men do this to their bodies? Why do they impose health hazards onto themselves they will without a doubt experience later in life? Why do they tear their muscles to shreds on a daily basis? Because it gives them meaning, it typifies them as human beings.
Arnold created this majestic lifestyle years ago and his successful predecessors have attempted to embody his methods, not on his level, but certainly more than the average man.
So as Mr. Olympia 2011 approaches and men in Arnold’s footsteps attempt to capture this elusive glory, I ask you to think back to the man who started it all, the man who created the modern bodybuilder, Arnold “the iceman” Schwarzenegger.
Jay Cutler, Mr. Olympia 2010
Kai Greene, holding the trophy after the 2010 Arnold Classic