Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is It Possible For The Man To Succeed In Any Other Aspect of Life...?

Aside from Solidifying his place as the greatest and most successful body builder of all time then proceeding to be elected Governor of California, Arnold has managed to marry one of the most attractive and beautiful women in the free world.  World- renowned journalist, and former model Maria Shriver and the Legend have been happily married since 1986, they have had four children and are living happily ever after in the amazing state of Califronia.

Desirable and breathtakingly beautiful wife of The Man

Follow in the Footsteps Of a Legend Or Crumble Like a Witering Wreath...

Patrick Arnold Schwarzenegger is the first born son of the Legend himself.  He was born in 1993 and naturally lives an eloustrious and upscale life-style.  The main question that surronds the teenager are of course, will he follow his father's epic footsteps or will he stray away from immortality and live a life of failure and mediocrity?  In the current day and age, young Patrick is by no means a physical specimen, not remotely comparable to his father's stature at the equilevant age.  It would appear that he has choosen a life of degredation and failure.  Nonetheless, Arnold swears his love to his son for a reason I do not fully understand.

Patrick Schwarzenegger Patrick Schwarzenegger arrives for "The Comedy World Of Judd Apatow"  at the Paley Center for Medias's 25th annual Paley Television Festival at the Arclight Cinema on March 17, 2008 in Hollywood, California.
The naturally gifted but incompetent offsrping of the Legend

God's Most Successful Creation, Of All Time...

Despite the fact that Arnold has rippleing muscles and is as firm as iron, thousands of women frequently comment on how adorable and how sexually attractive he is.  His enormous body is sometimes quite intimidating but his boyish face and boy-like charm can seal the deal.  His Eastern European ethnicity adds to his already appealing qualities as the skin on his face is tight, displaying his features. 

Intimidating Body Coupled With An Adorable Face

An Immaculate Shirt on an Immaculate Frame...

I recently purchased a Nike sleeveless lifting shirt.  My idol, also known as Arnold Schwarzenegger, also known as the greatest human being to ever walk the planet, lifted ridiculous amounts of weight while wearing Nike endorsed clothing.  He frequently lifted shirtless due to his nearly unimaginably toned and sweltering muscles literally tearing clothes off of his body, but when he did wear a garment to cover his upper body he generally chose Nike.  The Nike lifting shirts are light, allow air to flow easily, and are extremely comfortable.  I love wearing mine all the time, not only lifting due to the fact that the ladies can't resist me while I have it on.